Thursday, February 25, 2010

Daddy Time

It has become a tradition that Alex and Perry spend some quality time together in the morning before Alex leaves for work--we call it "Daddy time". It all began about a month ago when Perry stopped sleeping well at night and so after our morning feeding I wanted to crawl right back in bed. At first I was simply thankful for the opportunity to catch some shut eye, but Daddy time has become something much greater and more meaningful than a little extra sleep. Part of Alex's morning routine is to read his Bible and daily devotion and now that Perry is there with him, Alex will talk to Perry about what he is reading and how to apply it to his life. Even though Perry is too young to understand what he is being told, I feel as though these "conversations" are already pointing our little boy towards Christ. I am so blessed to have a husband who strives to be a man of God and even more blessed to know that Perry has an earthly father who will always talk to him about his heavenly father. I pray that through the years Daddy time will continue to be a part of Perry's everyday life and that it will be a means by which God will teach and speak to both Alex and Perry.

"Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it." Proverbs 22:6

"These commandments that I give to you today are to be upon your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up" Deuteronomy 6:6-7

Sunday, February 21, 2010

4 months old

Oh boy...getting cuter by the day!

"It's not like he is starting college"

That's what Alex finally said after hearing me talk/contemplate about starting Perry on rice cereal. I guess he could sense my hesitation. There were various reasons why I considered not starting Perry on cereal, but I will admit that one of them was because I was a little sad to take this next step toward growing up. Ultimately, I decided trying the spoon would be good practice for Perry and he seemed more than ready for it! He did really well and didn't even make a big mess. We will continue to offer cereal every now and then until it's more necessary for him to have complementary foods.

All done!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

3 month review

3 months has ended just as quickly as it began. Perry, here is a recap of the past month....
--You slept through the night once (a continuous 8 hours) and decided that it's not all it's cracked up to be. Now you wake about every hour through the night wanting your paci...I can't wait until you can find it yourself!
--You've started laughing out loud. It's actually a squeal and we think it's so cute!
--You still sigh after you sneeze. Daddy and I laugh every time you do it.
--You've been putting your hands in your mouth constantly and sometimes even find your thumb to suck on.
--Your appetite has been about the same, but somehow you continue to gain remarkable weight. At 3 1/2 months, you weighed 15 1/2 lbs and were 24 1/2 in.
--You rolled from tummy to back.
--Having your diaper changed is still your favorite thing to do.
--You are already such a momma's boy and although I sometimes act like it's annoying, I secretly LOVE it!

Friday, February 12, 2010

New Specs

Thought I would showcase my hubby's new look! He has good genes and therefore doesn't have to wear his glasses all the time and doesn't need contacts yet (wish I could say the same). Hopefully Perry will inherit Burke vision. Looking good, boys!

Roly Poly

Here is a clip of Perry showing off his newest trick. It has actually been several weeks since he rolled for the first time, but I am just now catching it on video. Sometimes he flips over immediately after I put him down, other times it takes him a bit longer. When I see him do it I give him a cheer, but he doesn't really seem to think it's all that special. He just looks at me like "why are you acting like that?" It has been fun to see him work hard to achieve his goal of rolling over.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Ready, Set, Go

After thinking and talking about starting a blog for the past month or so, I've decided to finally take the plunge. Hopefully this will be a new and fun way to document our life here in the Burke household. Right now I can't imagine how I'm going to have time to sit at the computer and do this, so please bare with me as I get used to it.