3 months has ended just as quickly as it began. Perry, here is a recap of the past month....
--You slept through the night once (a continuous 8 hours) and decided that it's not all it's cracked up to be. Now you wake about every hour through the night wanting your paci...I can't wait until you can find it yourself!
--You've started laughing out loud. It's actually a squeal and we think it's so cute!
--You still sigh after you sneeze. Daddy and I laugh every time you do it.
--You've been putting your hands in your mouth constantly and sometimes even find your thumb to suck on.
--Your appetite has been about the same, but somehow you continue to gain remarkable weight. At 3 1/2 months, you weighed 15 1/2 lbs and were 24 1/2 in.
--You rolled from tummy to back.
--Having your diaper changed is still your favorite thing to do.
--You are already such a momma's boy and although I sometimes act like it's annoying, I secretly LOVE it!