Wednesday, April 21, 2010
5 month review
Month 5 has been a very good one, except that it flew by much too quickly. You had a short time of sleep disruption, but now you're back on track, which we are so thankful for. You are really such a good baby and we are seeing more and more of your budding personality. You are most comfortable at home with Mommy and Daddy, but you love getting out to see new things. It takes you a while to adjust to any new setting or person, but once your comfortable, you seem to let loose and have fun. You are so funny sometimes and we can tell that you're going to be such a ham...I wonder where you get that from? Like father like son, I guess!
You continue to bring us such joy and remind us daily of God's great blessings.
Here are a few highlights from the past month:
--You love playing and talking in your crib after waking up...and I love spying on you during this time.
--You like to put your lovie over your face when laying in bed, whether awake or asleep. I used to freak out and yank it off your face, but now I don't bother because I know you put it there on purpose.
--You tried your first food, avacado.
--You are grabbing for everything. If it's in front of you, you think it's yours!
--You are rolling all around.
--When on your belly, you push straight up on your arms and love demonstrating your strength in this way.
--At 5 1/2 months you weighed 17 lb 14 oz and were 25 3/4 in. long.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
First food
Perry got his first taste of food a couple of days ago. I decided to start off with avacado because it's so simple and nutritious! He gobbled it down easily and kept a fairly straight face most of the time. I have a feeling that this little guy is going to eat anything that is put in front of him. Maybe if he continues to show great interest in avacado, he will get some in his Christmas stocking and Easter basket at my mom's house like his Daddy does.
He likes to dive for the spoon.
"Uh, did I do that?"
Yard Work
If you've been reading this blog, you've heard me mention "yard work" quite a bit lately. Well, I thought it would be appropriate to show you what a great job Alex is doing with the yard. He has done the obvious, mowed, edged and raked, but has also spent countless hours cleaning out the beds, cleaning out the beds, have I mentioned cleaning out the beds? laying new mulch, hauling and distributing crushed granite for the flagstone walkway, cutting back dead plants and nurturing new growth. I'm so proud of him and very thankful he enjoys doing this.
Check out the huge hydrangea plants in the next picture...they are going to be beautiful once they bloom!

Knock-out roses in full bloom
And what does a guy do after a long, hard day's work?
Crawfish and beer, of course!
Check out the huge hydrangea plants in the next picture...they are going to be beautiful once they bloom!
Knock-out roses in full bloom
And what does a guy do after a long, hard day's work?
Crawfish and beer, of course!
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Easter time
Our Easter was great for many reasons. First and foremost, because we were able to reflect on and celebrate the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. We are so privileged to have a Savior who would die a horrible death in order to redeem sinners like you and me! The weekend also allowed for a lot of family time. Alex was off work on Friday so he piddled in the yard (his new favorite pastime) and played with Perry. My sister, Helen, was in town from Colorado and we greatly cherished our time with her. We really wish she lived closer or was able to visit more often! We also spent quality time with each of my parents and even got a visit from some of our favorite friends, the Laborde's. Oh yeah, I almost forgot about the Easter bunny! He came to our house and left a few goodies for Perry and also visited my mom's house where he was very generous to Perry and even remembered Alex and me. Although egg hunts and gifts are not the reason we look forward to Easter, these cultural traditions are a way to enjoy the rebirth of Spring. Perry's Easter basket was made with love by yours truly (with the help of my talented friend, Chelsey) so please observe and admire.
Helen and Perry...she hardly let him out of arm's reach all weekend :-)
Jack and Carol LaBorde
They brought Perry the cute stuffed bunny you see in his Easter basket.
All dressed up for church
He's a smart boy! Already going after the candy.
Don't worry, I didn't actually let him have that Reese's. It was for me!
Perry was a little sleepy Sunday morning and was not showing off his smile, but he was still as cute as ever!
Family picture
Alex is not going to like me for putting this up, but it's the only picture with the three of us.
Helen and Dad with little P
Saying Goodbye!
Thursday, April 1, 2010
A lesson for Mary Stewart
One of my best friends, Ashley, has a precious little girl who is just a few weeks older than Perry. They live in Georgia, so we haven't been able to meet Mary Stewart, but we stay in close contact and keep up with what they are doing, especially since Ashley and I have already arranged the marriage between Mr. Perry Burke and Miss Mary Stewart Donald :-) Mary Stewart has been practicing rolling from her back to tummy, but hasn't quite figured it out, so I thought we would give her a little demonstration. **I have a cute video to post, but don't see the video icon in my toolbar any longer. Am I the only one with this problem? Can anyone tell me how to upload a video to blogger from your computer?** Anyway, these pictures will have to do for now...
Now Mary Stewart needs to teach Perry how to put his paci in his mouth!
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