Sunday, October 24, 2010




Wow, I still can hardly believe that you are one year old! Maybe that reality will set in after your parties (yes, parties) this weekend. You don't realize it yet but this is a BIG deal! Your first birthday celebration is a culmination of hope and prayer that began the moment we realized I was pregnant, through the battle to keep you safe through pregnancy, and even afterward. You are truly a blessing, not only because you bring us immeasurable joy, but because we also see God's love for us every time we look at you.
So, what have you been up to this past month? Well, I think the better question would be "what have you NOT been up to?" I'm amazed at all that you can do and how you understand so much. It wouldn't be possible to sum up your entire month in a blog post, but I wanted to share some of the things that come to mind.You are following some simple commands and frequently making some of your own! Even though you can be difficult at times, I mostly find myself smiling and giggling as I just watch and interact with you. We love seeing you explore, learn, and develop. You are walking both behind push toys and while holding our hands, but you haven't stepped out on your own yet. Your favorite thing to say is "uh-oh" and you make the same high pitch "ah ah ah" noise when you hear a dog, bird, or train. You also enjoy listening to the neighbors' dogs bark while you crawl in and out of the back door.  You like collecting all your toys and shoving them under the couch; I don't know where that idea came from but I'm glad to know you could survive as a hunter-gatherer if left out in the wild. You love to play peek-a-boo, "talk" on the phone, and hand things to us. This month, you learned to sign "more" and figured out how to drink from a sippy cup. We just started the gradual process of weaning you from breastfeeding; I'm not sure if it's going to be harder for you or me. This month also brought a couple of big firsts--your first time to spend the night out and your first haircut! You stayed the night down the street at Mae Mae's house and did just fine. At your Doctor appointment on 11/3/10, you weighed 23lb4oz and were 29 3/4 in long. You are the most fun person we know and we have loved every minute of the last year with you...well, with the exception of the sleepless nights :)

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Birthday Boy

Today was a busy and exciting day for the birthday boy. Perry was greeted this morning by Alex and me singing "Happy Birthday". We got as much of a reaction as you would expect from a 1 year old first thing in the morning. The rest of the morning went as usual execpt Perry opened his card from Aunt Helen. It was a singing card, so of course, he loved playing with it....and continued to play with it ALL day!
After breakfast, Perry and I met Chelsey and Hilton at the Pumpkin patch. We got some cute pictures, but I'm going to have to take Perry back another time for more.

After Perry's morning nap, we met Alex for lunch at Cascio's. It was nice birthday treat to see Daddy in the middle of the day. I wish we could do that more often! Speaking of birthday treats...Perry got his first taste of gelato today and loved surprise there!
 Gelato is good!
After his afternoon nap, we played at the house until Alex got home...then it was out the door again. My mom treated us to dinner at Perry's favorite restaurant...Superior Grill. Side note: Alex guzzled down a large margarita and is now sound asleep at 8:45pm.
When we got home, it was time to sing again and give Perry his yummy cupcake. Dad and Sheila then stopped by to visit the birthday boy and before we knew it, it was bedtime!
Yummy cupcake
I think this picture says it all...
We celebrated hard today and I think we will all sleep hard tonight. Thank you to everyone who made this day so special. Perry appreciated all the cards, phone calls, and messages. We loved knowing there were people both near and far who were celebrating with us!

Monday, October 18, 2010

10 year reunion

I'm really late in posting about my 10 year high school reunion, but I didn't want to leave this post out. Alex and I participated in my reunion weekend earlier this month and we both had so much fun!
On Friday, we went to the football game to cheer on the Gators.

On Saturday I met some girls at the park for a play date. We planned it very last minute, so many couldn't come, but it turned out to be a good time. Funny thing was that all of us there had boys! I can only imagine that Nancy's twins are going to be boys too!

Nancy Pipkin, Lindsey Lewis, Lindsay Dean, Me, Elissa Bonner
The boys: (L to R) Cole and Parker Dean, Perry, Peyton Bonner, Bennett Lewis
Saturday night was the big event at Cantina Loredo. We had a blast hanging out and visiting over dinner and drinks. Alex already knew some of my classmates and was able to meet other husbands, so he had just as much fun as me. I was thankful I didn't have to worry about him. After Cantina, we went to the Cub with a lot of the group. I surpised myself and stayed out later than I have in years! I'm so glad we were here for the reunion. I can't wait for our next one!
some girls
 the group

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Cleaning Up

As if the normal housework wasn't enough...
Perry loves to empty out anything that serves as storage...drawers, shelves, buckets, name it! I feel like I spend all day cleaning up behind him. I can't tell you how many times I've walked into my bathroom to find an open drawer with all my clothes thrown out on the ground. Guess I need to invest in some childproofing gadgets!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Picnic at the park

Our church held a picnic at Betty Virginia park after worship on Sunday. The weather was absolutely PERFECT! It was a great time of fellowship and we can't wait to do it again.
 check out those plump little lips...he definitely didn't get them from me!
I was so excited to let Perry swing. He loves the swing, but doesn't get to do it much. Now that the weather is cooler, I will have to take him to the park during the day. He had a blast!

"Whoa, that was fun!"

1st haircut

Perry got a little trim by his aunt Annie this past weekend. I was quite nervous about cutting his hair because I didn't want it to look too groomed or make him look too grown up. However, it was getting a little long in the back and wasn't showing any signs of growing curls, so it needed some attention. She just cut a little off the back and it looks so good now. To me it is such a big change that I can't imagine what it will be like when he gets a full cut!

Perry, how much do you like your new haircut?
"This much!!!!!!"

  Thanks Annie! Good work!

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Home Sweet Home

It was a year ago today that I came home from the hospital after 81 days of complete bed rest. Nobody thought I would leave the hospital while still pregnant, but our prayers were answered and I had made it to 34 weeks! How great is our God! Well, quite a bit had changed since I went into the hospital in early July...the weather was cooler, my belly was BIGGER, I was a year older, and I had a new house to come home to! Alex and I found our "perfect" home and immediately signed a contract on it a mere 3 days before I wound up in the hospital. Talk about the Lord's perfect timing! While I worked on gestating our little one, Alex and our family worked on settling us into our new home. When I came home from the hospital that day, I walked into a fully furnished, fully decorated, completely unpacked, completely organized, beautiful home!!!!! I can recall the feelings of that day so strongly still. I remember riding home with the window down and asking Alex, "Is this what it normally smells like outside?" He didn't quite know how to respond. I tried again, "It smells so different out here; it's kind of a strange smell." He didn't get it. Alex couldn't smell anything because being outside was nothing new to him. I hadn't experienced the scents of outdoors in such a long time that it was ALL new to me! I remember how good it felt to eat dinner in my new home that night. I remember how sweet is was to sleep in a big cozy bed with my husband next to me. I remember how strange it felt to be nurses coming in, no sounds of doors slamming, no people talking in the hallway. I was comfortable, excited, appreciative, optimistic, encouraged, and happy. I was HOME!