You are just soooo darn cute!
loving his new golf club caddy
Sad face (I had actually just spooked him by accident)
Happy face
It so amazing to think that you are now 1 1/2 years old! You are such a little guy now. You love pushing your cars around on the floor and you can entertain yourself with sticks and rocks all day. As you're growing and changing, your unique personality is coming into focus. You are acquiring new traits and interests, yet there are aspects of your character which we've observed in you since you were a baby. One example is your love for music and singing. When you hear music, you start kicking your left leg up while walking around, kind of like you're high-stepping. You'll do this when we are out at any place with music and I often wonder if people think you have a gait abnormality :-) If you're not asking to dance, you're wanting to sing songs. I make up songs and sing to you so much during the day just because you love it. I really think you're going to have a future in music somehow...we'll see! You're getting better at feeding yourself with utensils and you currently enjoy having dips for your food. Some of your new words are: dance, socks, quack quack, cracker, cup, shoes. Your speech is really taking off and you're trying to repeat more and more of what we say. When we pray at bedtime, you like to get constant kisses from us. You start by leaning in to me (because you're usually in my lap) and then you lean to daddy. This continues back and forth until we are finished's so sweet. We don't know where you got this idea from, but we absolutely adore it! You're a great sleeper. On average, you sleep 12-12.5 hrs at night and take one 2-2.5 hr. nap/day. We spend a lot of time outside during the day and you love seeing the birds and squirrels and hearing the neighborhood dogs bark.