Sunday, August 28, 2011
The Bride
My sister is getting married in a month and I really can't believe the time is almost here! She was in town last weekend for a couple wedding showers. This was her final trip to town before the wedding weekend, so she was super busy, but like always, she squeezed in some "Perry time". I don't have pictures from the showers yet, but I have a few of me and Perry with the Bride.
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
32 weeks
I love the sound of 32 weeks! It means we are getting pretty far along and the baby is getting bigger and stronger for delivery, but it's also early enough that I'm not in freak out mode yet. I went to the doctor this week and got a good report. Ultrasound showed a chubby-faced cute baby, who by the way, is now vertex (yay!!) and a cerclage that's holding up well. Couldn't ask for anything better! It seems that I'm not having any trouble putting on the pounds now--I think I've gained about 5 pounds in the past 2 weeks. As far as pregnancy symptoms go, I'm making lots of trips to the bathroom and I often find myself short of breath or just plain uncomfortable because of the space this baby is taking up! We still don't have a name for the little guy, but he is becoming more and more a part of the family and making his presence known. You can usually see him doing crazy moves when I'm relaxing on the couch or in a chair--he entertained a room of girls this weekend by doing this. A couple special things that have happened in the past week are: 1) I got my hair cut!!!! My dear hair stylist made a special house call to tend to my over-grown locks and 2) My sister came in town for a fun wedding shower weekend.
Monday, August 22, 2011
Perry is quite the little golfer. He and Alex have been practicing their swing in the back yard this summer and I must say, both are looking pretty good. Every time Perry swings he says "Dah" and waits for us to applaud or acknowledge him. I think there are going to be many Saturday golf days in the years ahead.
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
29 weeks
I'm 29 weeks now and feeling good...and like I'm carrying a watermelon around! I'm officially in my 3rd trimester now and so far it's been great, however, I have a feeling that my growing belly is going to become a serious issue soon. We still don't have a name for this little guy and I don't know when we will. It has been so difficult to decide on a name this time! Nothing has seemed right yet. We look forward to the day when we can call this baby by name, but for now, we aren't going to force anything. In other baby news...he still prefers to be breech, his growth scan results this week said he weighed 2lbs 13oz, and he is so strong and active! In pregnancy news...I've gained 13lbs--not the best number, but being on bed rest really makes it hard to gain weight and the baby is perfect, so I'm not worried about it--I'm having occasional and random contractions, and I'm eating lots of ice cream! I'm looking forward to being in the 30's next week!
Home Sweet Home
About a week and a half ago, on July 23, I was released from the hospital and allowed to go home. I'm still on bed rest, but being home has made my days much more enjoyable! I'm able to move to the sunroom or the den when I want, so I at least feel like I'm "up" some and get a change of scenery every now and then. Some of my favorite things about being home are: being with Perry during the day (we still have our full-time help), having friends stop by more easily, spending the evenings with my husband, and having access to my regular foods! It took Perry about 24 hours to get used to seeing me at the house again and once he realized I was home and was staying home, I could tell he was excited. We're all glad that life feels a little more normal and we're hoping I don't have to return to the hospital until it's time to deliver a big, healthy baby!
It's been a while since I've posted much about Perry. He is 21 months old now and is constantly entertaining and amazing us. We think he is brilliant and perfect!
It's been a while since I've posted much about Perry. He is 21 months old now and is constantly entertaining and amazing us. We think he is brilliant and perfect!
Playing the drums...one of his favorite things to do, with or without sticks
getting dressed and ready
looking so sweet!
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