I want to document as much as I can about the everyday cuteness I get to see and experience from my boys. Here are some things going on with Perry.
He will come give us sweet hugs and pats at the most random times. I love these sweet little surprises! When I tell him "thank you", he'll say "thanks, mama" in return. One not-so-cute thing that he's been doing recently is getting his foot intentionally stuck between the crib slats when he wants attention (if he's not falling asleep easily). I'll hear him calling out and shouting "uck uck" (stuck). He carries his Thomas choo choos around everywhere and always has to have all 5 of them. When he's playing with them, he likes to push them around on the groove of the coffee table. He probably does this for 2 hours out of each day! He will also line up his cars and choo choo's in the most random places and get so excited for us to come see.
He is learning to stall at bed time by asking to read more books or if Alex is putting him down, he will insist on coming to find me to tell me good night, even though I've already been in there to tell him good night. His imagination is really taking off and because of this, he is starting to get "scared" of things. Today, he wouldn't walk on the blue part of our rug...not sure why...but he kept wanting us to vacuum it. When he's on our bed or in a chair, he will talk about the"chomps" (crocodiles) down on the ground. One of the funniest things is his new love for playing the air guitar. Sometimes he asks us to sing, other times he just plays to nothing. He also enjoys playing with the various swards that daddy has been creating/carving out of wood. I'm not sure who's having more fun with that one...Perry or Daddy.
I think the most fun thing has been hearing his attempts to sing along with songs and reading along with books. I just can't believe my little boy is doing such big boy things! Like I've said before, Perry is constantly amazing us. We love him more than words can describe.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Saturday, January 7, 2012
Perry, 26 months
We are having so much fun with Perry! He is such a silly little kid. Everything he does is cute and funny to us, except of course when he is disobeying. He is talking so much more these days and is able to formulate sentences and stories by using key words. He loves talking to people...our shy little boy has really come out of his shell. We might be the only ones able to understand what he's saying, but that's OK. He gives the cutest "Hi" and wave to people (and also to us when we get him out of his bed in the morning or after nap time). He says "yes" a lot. For example, random lady at the store: "Can you say "Go Tigers?"; Perry: "Yes". I love hearing him say "do you mama" (love you mama). He is also singing a lot. He'll mumble through parts of songs until we get to a word he knows. He's especially good at singing "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star" and the "Clean Up" song. Over the past several months Perry has begun participating in prayer time. While we ask for the blessing at mealtime, Perry will point to things he wants to thank God for. With his head bowed and his hands clasped together, he'll use his two index fingers to point to his plate of food, his cup, the lamp, etc and we have to mention those things in our prayer. At bedtime, he always wants to thank God for Mama, Dada, and baby. Perry loves to "fall down" while playing. He always makes sure to yell a big "Oh noooo" while doing it. He also loves rough housing with Daddy. He still has lovie and paci, but is usually only allowed to have them in bed. I will catch him with them during the day and when he sees me, he'll run and hide. He thinks it's so funny when we hurt ourselves (either for real or pretend). I guess his sense of humor is just like mine. He enjoys lining up his choo choo's and cars and "counting" them, saying "by, by, by" or "two, two, two". We don't know where the "by" came from, but that's how he counts. I really wish I could record every day of Perry's life right now. I hear that life will only get more fun and interesting as he gets older, but I just can't imagine it being better than the present. We love our little Perry boy so much!
3 Months
Our days of having a newborn are pretty much over. Today, you turn 3 months old! You are developing right on track and are growing into a bubbly, active and SWEET baby. You are cooing a lot and you love when we talk to you. Your eyes light up when you see us. Speaking of eyes, yours are still blue and I'm thinking that they might stay that way! You have always preferred being upright, not reclining, so you are enjoying sitting in the bumbo seat now. You can roll over from your tummy to your back. Nursing is still going well. You are usually nursing 6 times/day. You've started kicking your legs while you're eating. I think it's so cute to see those little feet flickering around (I remember Perry doing this, too). This month has been a little touchy with sleep. I hope next month brings a little more consistency. You are sleeping through the night most of the time (I feed you around 10:30 and you sleep until 7/7:30), but some nights have involved more crying than others. You're a great napper, and can only handle about an hour of wake time. I'm going to work on extending that a little. You like to suck your index finger while you sleep and you're getting better at finding it.
first time in the bumbo
Santa baby
Mommy, Daddy and Perry love you bunches!
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