-racing/running in the back yard
-driving his pick up truck
-going for walks on foot
-being silly
-digging in the pantry for food
-playing/making music
-being sweet to his baby brother
-sitting on the carousel
...until it starts moving.
We went to the Holiday in Dixie fair this past weekend. The first thing we did was hop on the carousel. We were talking so much about getting on the horse that we forgot to tell Perry that it was going to start moving. Well, as soon as it started up, he got SO scared. I thought he would warm up after a few go rounds, but nope! He hated it and wanted off ASAP. I was so sad for him, but I couldn't help but giggle every time he and Alex went by. On our way home, we asked Perry if he had fun on the carousel. He responded, "Yeah!" and then immediately did an impersonation of himself crying in an effort to explain to us what had happened. I wish I had a video of him doing his "cry". It is so funny!
It seems like almost every night, Alex and I talk about just how much fun Perry is. He truly brightens up our days. We are so thankful to have him and we grow to love him more and more every day.