Thursday, January 31, 2013

Sesame Street Live

Perry and I went to Sesame Street Live with Lindsay and Aubrey yesterday. I wasn't sure if Perry would be excited since he hasn't watched much Sesame Street in his life, but when Aubrey arrived at our house and it was time to go, he quickly perked up and became super excited! Perry couldn't wait to get a treat and go watch the show. I made him stop by Elmo for a photo op. 
he's so cool with that hand in his pocket!

he loved his $5 cotton candy
As soon as the show began, Perry sat completely still and focused intently on the show, taking it all true Perry fashion.
During the second half, Perry and Aubrey did a little dancing. It was so precious seeing them enjoy each other. Perry was definitely having fun; this picture (probably because of the flash) just didn't capture him smiling.

We had such a fun time and were glad to share the experience with sweet friends!

Tuesday, January 22, 2013


Today Perry saw a robot that was made from a box and instantly wanted one for himself. I knew this was a project for Daddy. When Alex got home, Perry asked him to make a robot, so that's exactly what Daddy did! He completed the project in about 20 minutes with a couple boxes, some duct tape, and few other special touches.  Perry was SO shocked and amazed when he saw the finished product and he had a blast being a robot tonight. 

Daddy is so fun!!

Friday, January 11, 2013

Perry update

Perry is seriously so big now. I wanted to document some new/special things happening right now.
Perry now calls Mills, "Millsie", just like we do.
He's very curious about the world around him. He always likes to know what we're talking about and any time Alex or I laugh he MUST know what we're laughing at. If something happens in another room (like if he hears me make an alarming noise) he'll run and ask what's going on. He's very good at telling us, "Mama/Dada be careful!"
He loves his new scooter and is very proud of himself for being so good at it.
We finally got rid of paci at beginning of 2013. I have been dreading this, but I knew it had to be done. He really really really missed it the first few days, but now he's used to sleeping with out it. He's not sleeping quite as well as he was with paci, but hopefully that will get better over the coming months. It made me sad to take it from him because he loved it so much. I'm glad he still has lovie and blankie.
He just started wearing braces on his legs to stretch out his achilles tendons and hopefully stop toe-walking. He'll wear them most of the day, every day for the next 6 months-1 year. He's already running around and playing like he was pre-braces, so I'm thankful he can be the same active little boy.
Perry is fascinated with robots. We play a game where we go on robot hunts in the house with our binoculars to find all the robots. It's so fun to see his imagination and play along.
He loves to dress in costumes, as you will see in some the following pictures.
 Working hard
 First time in a cock pit!
 Guitar-playing super hero
Scooter-riding cowboy
naked cowboy!
precious MDO picture from Fall

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

15 months

You're growing up so quickly and I don't want to forget anything about you! Here are some things to mention about you at 15 months.
Separation anxiety started about a month ago. You always calm down quickly after I leave, or so I'm told. You would love for me to hold you most all. the. time! I love how you'll tuck your little head against me when someone talks to you. You still look at them with a smile, but you make it very clear that you belong to ME!
You're trying to say "thank you", however, your favorite word is still Mama.
You're not walking yet. You'll take 2-3 little steps on your own sometimes, but you're still hesitant. If I get in front of you and try to coax you into taking steps towards me, you'll just stand there and giggle! You also giggle and smile whenever you walk holding our's so cute.
You're still a snuggler. One of my favorite times with you is at bedtime. We read several books and then I start to hum a lullaby and you immediately collapse in my arms and lay your head on my shoulder. I think you love it as much as I do.
You started throwing big fits--throwing yourself flat on the ground or if in the highchair, you try climbing out while screaming.
You've started to eat some big boy foods--bread with sunbutter and honey, waffles, crackers (obviously all of these are allergy-free)
You love to play with the house phone and managed to call 911 for the first (and hopefully last) time! I'm so glad you also pressed speaker phone so that I could hear what was going on and tell the operator that there was no emergency!
You also love flipping light switches off and on.
You're sleeping great. Taking one 2 1/2ish hour nap/day and getting a solid night sleep.
You had your first haircut and look like such a cute big boy!!
At 15 1/2 months, you weigh 21 pounds 12 ounces and are 30 inches long

I like how there's an empty bottle of Jack in this sweet picture of my baby...{clearing throat} ALEX!

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Mills' First Haircut

Mills got to sit in Mr. Mike's chair for the first time! Well, he actually sat in my lap because he was too scared to sit alone. He did great for his first haircut and he looks so adorable too. Check him out...
 he wasn't exactly sure about what was going on

 all done!
 Close up look. I didn't want a total big boy cut yet...we're taking baby steps.
Silly boy!!!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Christmas Coordinates

I just love when I can coordinate my boys. This Christmas was no exception. Many thanks to my mom for buying and Alex's mom for monogramming!

and thanks to Daddy for making them laugh and smile for pictures!

Christmas in Denton

We had a "White Christmas" this year! Denton got several inches of snow on Christmas day...who would have thought? Alex and Perry played outside in the snow for a little while.

I managed to get a picture of all the cousins. It's not an easy task with kids these ages. There's always at least one kid crying, wiggling, or picking their nose.
Our time in Denton was full of good times with family. We all got some really cool and thoughtful gifts too.