Where do I even begin? Perry has grown up so much! He's 3 1/2 years old and ALL boy. He thinks super heros are cool, sword fights are fun, and poo poo talk is hilarious. He's also such a sweet heart and loves to share his thoughts and emotions with us. He's doing lots of big boy things like using the bathroom by himself (except in the middle of the night) and learning how to get himself dressed. He's still taking short naps but it's pretty much never in his bed these days. He usually sleeps in his "mouse house"--a spot he creates by turning his lounge chair upside down and scooting his body underneath. Another story regarding naps...one Saturday I looked at the monitor and didn't see him, so I peeked in his room and he was no where to be found. I assumed he had snuck out, so I went searching around the house, calling his name. After 10 minutes of searching (and getting pretty mad), I got so desperate that I was calling out, "Perry, I have your snack ready. Do you want some ice cream?" I knew something wasn't right when he didn't respond to that, so I called Alex inside from yard work. We were both searching around inside and outside, getting a little frantic, when Alex looked under Perry's bed to find him sound asleep. We left him there as our "pay back".

Playing a board game with Mama
He stacked these 3 cheerios and called it a snowman
He climbed up there and said, "I'm a hungry monkey. I want a banana."
Finally fell asleep for a nap after playing hard in his room
We found out Perry is allergic to Penicillin
He wrapped himself up in this paper and couldn't be seen. Pretty impressive!
Napping in his Mouse House
Excited about new super hero pj's from Cheetah