The boys were excited about Christmas this year. I only have pictures from Christmas morning, but we did some other things that were really fun. We went caroling with friends (I actually stayed behind for the caroling part because I didn't want to do a lot of walking after having cerclage). Jim and Ila Broyles were such great hosts; the other Broyles clan was there as well. I heard that Mills stole the show at every house--being the youngest always gets you a lot of attention. The bigger kids had a blast and received lots of candy and treats from the many people they caroled for. I can't wait to go next year! The other highlight was our church Christmas Eve service. Perry sang with the other 3-5 year olds. They did so well; and it was really sweet to see.
Christmas morning:
Mills was really excited about his raisins!
Best pic I got of the boys together (Christmas in Denton)
cutest reindeer around!