Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Welcome 2014

2014 is sure to be an exciting year for The Burkes! So far it's been consumed by my pregnancy, but the boys are having fun and growing by the minute. Here's a little update on the kids:

Perry is 4 1/2 and into everything superheros, ninjas, and knights. He loves to pretend play and is fascinated by tieing things up--either putting my arms in chains (using mardi gras beads) or finding rope and strings to make spider webs all over the house. Lately, Perry has been streaking all over the house. He'll head off and secretly strip down, then come squealing and running all around--Mills then follows him and they run around squealing. Their favorite time to do this is right after bath when they are BOTH naked. He also loves to play hide & seek and chase (he created a game that he and Mrs. Bethany play called Superhero chase.) One of my favorite developments has been that he has started calling me "Mommy" all of a sudden. I was "Mom" or "Momom" for a while. Perry is really such a sweet and thoughtful boy, but we've been dealing with a good bit of bad attitude and talking back too. Recently, Alex was getting the boys ready for bed and Perry was wanting to play instead of cooperate. Alex said, "Perry, if you don't come over here right now, I'm giving you big pops". An interested Perry responded with "Are you talking about Lollipops?" Haha!
My little knight
 Love how helpful he can be
Ninja Perry
Mills is 2 1/2 and is everything a 2 year old should be--adorable, curious, independent, and moody. He loves watching and imitating his big brother, and they play really well together a lot of the time. Mills has started tee-teeing on the potty occasionally, but because I'm on bed rest, I'm not tackling full-time potty training yet. We are very proud of him though! He has been going to weekly speech therapy for a couple months now. His vocabulary and speech are slowing increasing, probably at his own pace, but I'm sure the therapy is helping. He loves to sing along and do hand motions to "Wheels on the Bus" and "Itsy Bitsy Spider". Mills has always been a little cuddle bug and that hasn't changed. He still loves hugs and kisses and is always quick to give us a kiss if we hurt ourselves or act upset in any way. It's really the sweetest thing to see his loving spirit expressed.
He loves wearing sunglasses on his head
I think both of the boys are going to make excellent big brothers! Perry started off saying the baby is going to be a girl, but now he's saying he wants it to be a boy. I know they'll be thrilled either way, as will we!
Silly monkeys!

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

New Year's Eve

Alex and I had dinner at the Brown's house on New Year's Eve...and we were tucked into bed by 11:00 pm. Earlier in the evening we did firecrackers with the boys. They loved it!