Helen and Caroline came to town mid July and got to meet James and play with Perry and Mills!
2 weeks old
One of our favorite people, Carol LaBorde.
Swimming at PaPa and Nana's house
Mauree, Ashley and Lee came to Shreveport for the day. It was so special to see them!!! Love these friends!
Alex had a work function in Dallas, so James and I tagged along. It was nice little get away--I just wish it had been longer!
4 weeks old
Not captured here, but James has been smiling (the real social smiles) since at least 4 weeks old. I love getting those sweet smiles! He is also more alert, can hold his head up pretty well, and really loves the attention he gets from his big brothers! James has trouble settling down to sleep in the late evenings (8pm-11ish), but after that, he usually sleeps a good long stretch through the night. I've never had a baby do this at such a young age.