Wow, my tiny baby is really growing up! He has definitely outgrown his newborn clothes now and is wearing 3-6 month sizes. It was SO hard for me to put away some of my favorite baby clothes he has worn for the past couple months. James is holding his head up like a pro and is starting to "sit up" alone with support. Why does he have to be in such a hurry? Just this past week as he turned 3 months old, he started sleeping better in the evenings during his "witching hour". We are hopeful it will continue to improve. Most nights he has been waking to nurse around 4 am, but it's a pretty quick feeding and he's right back to bed. I don't change his diaper or anything. Family life is very busy right now and James is usually just along for the ride--school activities, church, soccer games, speech therapy, and various errands/outings. I hate the days when his naps are terribly interrupted, but most of the time we just can't avoid it. James is showing great preference for the people he knows best, Momma, Daddy, Perry and Mills, but he'll smile at anyone who looks at him. It's so special to see his little face light up and him start cooing when you look at him. He has a lot to say and is even laughing!!! Words can't express how much I love him!

best feeling in the world! 9 weeks old
such a handsome little guy
when you're 10 weeks old, life gets real serious
Just kidding!
snuggling and cooing with momma