James has continued to be the sweetest baby I could ever dream of...it's safe to say he has me wrapped around his little, tiny, chubby finger. He is starting to get busier now, but thankfully isn't on the move yet. He is pushing up on his arms and rocking a little bit when on his tummy; and he can scoot around in circles or backwards. He loves blowing raspberries and "whispering". The whispering must of developed from imitating some of the sounds I make with him. He also likes holding my hands to clap or do patty cake. His very favorite thing right now is dancing. If he hears music, and especially if I'm singing to him, he'll rock his upper body side to side. It's so cute! Taylor Swift's "Shake It Off" is his favorite song. James is always looking for his brothers...I think he's bored when they aren't around. He is finally eating solids, just started this month! He's had applesauce, pears, banana, avocado, sweet potato, peas and carrotts. Nursing is still going well too. James has brought so much love into our home. We ALL love him so much!
sitting up alone! I have to watch him pretty closely cause he'll still topple over
Sweet Pea face
James got to meet Nelly, our housekeeper from growing up
blowing raspberries