Sunday, August 30, 2015


Helen and Caroline came for a visit in August. These cousins really love one another...most of the time.
 Mills 3 (almost 4), Caroline 23 months, James 14 months, Perry 5 (almost 6)
James looks like he belongs to Caroline more than to his own brothers 

Monday, August 24, 2015

2 Wheels

Perry's training wheels were giving us some trouble, so we decided it was time to take them off. Turns out, learning to ride a bike isn't always easy. It took a couple weeks, and some hard, frustrating moments for Perry and Daddy, but it finally happened! Whoo Hoo! Perry has been zipping around on his bike ever since, and now it's one of his favorite things to do. Starting Kindergarten and learning to ride without training wheels in the same week means this boy is getting big!

Sunday, August 23, 2015


James finally cut his 1st (and 2nd) tooth at 13 months. Good job, James!
It's hard to see in the picture, but there are two little bottom teeth popping out. 

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Perry's First Day of Kindergarten

Perry started Kindergarten at Ascension Classical School on August 17, 2015. He was really excited and couldn't wait to go to "Hilton's school"! There were no tears that morning, but I did get a little emotional in the afternoon as I was waiting for 3:00. It's been a big change having Perry in school all day, but he loves it and is doing great. We are so thankful for his school and his teacher, Mrs. Lawhon (fun fact: my kindergarten teacher's name was also Mrs. Lawhon)

Monday, August 17, 2015

Dallas Trip Summer 2015

We took our annual trip to the Four Seasons in Dallas this July, and decided to bring the kids along for a fun family vacation (it ended up being somewhat stressful and very sleepless, but we won't remember that--the kids thought it was the best time ever, so I'm going with that version). We drove over and went straight to Legoland. I was really excited about this, but it ended up being a waste of money. It was way too crowded, so we spent nearly the entire time waiting in a lines. When we finished both big boys got to buy some new legos.
 We waited at least 30 minutes to drive this car for 5 minutes. He loved it though.
 Ninjago Perry
 The mean and scary Ninjago Mills
We also went to the Ross Perot Museum, which was also very crowded, but it was such an amazing place that it was worth the trouble. Even the entrance to the building was filled with fun. 
 Perry and a toad
 There were lots of dinosaurs!

Earthquake simulator was so was especially entertaining to watch Alex's long legs rattle back and forth.
There was a small-child area where James got to crawl around and explore. He had a ball!

 The best part of the trip was just hanging around the hotel pool (or restaurant). The staff took such good care of us, and I was actually able to relax! Yay!
Cheetah came to visit 
 James relaxing 

Farewell Four Seasons...until next year