Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Random phone pics

 Perry's first family portrait 3/13/15
 Perry set up a beach retreat in the den 4/17/15
 Mills breastfeeding his puppies 4/13/15
 That time Alex set the fence on fire and thankfully our neighbor saw it and put it out 5/23/15
 Mills and Mae Mae riding the arcade motorcycle 5/30/15
 Mills on the day he graduated speech therapy. Ms. Shannon was teary to say goodbye because she loved Mills so much 6/1/15
Perry loves to put "outfits" together:

  OK....he didn't love this next one (at all), but I had to... 

 James' 1 year pics
 I asked Mills, "pretty please with a cherry on top" to come lay down with me. He laid down and put this on his head. When I asked with it was, he said "it's the cherry on top."
Alex and the big boys camped overnight in the backyard. Tent not pictured 9/12/15
Retested Mills for allergies. Still highly allergic to peanuts, tree nuts, eggs, dairy, and some others 10/20/15
Mills keeps it interesting 11/6/15