Saturday, May 22, 2010

Perry's baptism

A week ago Perry was baptized at our church, Grace Presbyterian. It was a very sweet and meaningful ceremony, Perry being set apart as a child of the covenant. We were thankful that so many family members could join us for worship. All of Perry's grandparents were there along with great-grandmothers, aunts, and uncles. Following church, we had our family and some close friends over to our house for lunch. It was a busy weekend preparing everything, but proved to be well worth it. With all the ancillary things going on, it could have been easy for us to be distracted from the true significance of the event.  Fortunately, the importance of claiming the promises of God for our whole family was not lost on us, and celebrating that reality was the focus of the day.

Here we are with all of Perry's grandparents....
My mom (aka ??)
My dad (Papa) and Sheila (aka ??)
Alex's mom (Cheetah) and Bill (Papou)
Alex's dad (Paw) and Donna (Maw)
I was too busy to take pictures that day, so I'm counting on the grandparents for more.

1 comment:

  1. Great pictures of ALL! I just wonder what Perry is going to think of wearing a dress!! I know... it's tradition!! :)
