This past month has been an exciting one! It seems like a lot has changed in a very little time. Most notably, you went from being stationary to mobile by learning to scoot/army crawl. You are pretty efficient at moving this way and like that you can follow us around. Some other things to mention about month 7 are:
-You're demonstrating classic signs of teething (drooling, fussing, biting/gnawing) but there are still no teeth to show for it.
-You learned how to play your little piano.
-You shake and bang toys as well as transfer objects from one hand to the other.
-You love playing in the mirror and splashing in the bathtub.
-You sat in your first wedding ceremony (uncle Evan and Sarah) and did great. However, I took you out before the vows because I was too nervous!
-We are in the process of shifting to a 4-hour feeding schedule.
-You like to scream whether you're happy or mad and you can get quite loud!
-You're still taking 3 naps during the day.
I love that face!
All smiles
Practicing your yodel
Your favorite place!
Our big boy
ReplyDeletePerry is so adorable. I just love him and all his rolls! Wish we could see ya'll!
Amy (and all the Blacks)