Wednesday, December 22, 2010

14 months

You are now 14 months old! Here are some of the new things you've been doing over the past couple months:
You are consistently signing "more" and "please". You say "more" when see anything that you want, not just food. I love that you are a great sleeper! You sleep 12 or more hours at night and take 2 naps (one is usually 2 hrs, the other is shorter). Our next big sleep change will be when you go to one nap per day. You still have one tooth, but your second is about to break through. You can stand alone and are becoming more and more confident with this each day. You love music and have quite an ear for it. If I start singing a song from one of your toys or books, you will go find that toy/book. You've even starting "singing" along with music and songs. You are eating most anything and drinking cow's milk...not breastfeeding anymore. You love to scribble with pens and throw things for fun. You are pointing a lot. Your new silly game is to bounce on the bed and then roll over to be tickled! You REALLY like all the attention you get at home and we love giving it to you!

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