A couple days after we returned from Colorado, I started potty training Perry. Day 1 (Friday) went so well. Perry tee teed on the potty every time and had NO accidents! We were off to a great start! Days 2, 3 and 4 went pretty well too, with just a few accidents thrown in there. Day 5 and 6 were hard for me. Perry was having trouble getting the poo poo part down, and on top of that I was cranky and tired and just needed a little break. After a good night's sleep and a few trips outside the house, I was back on track! An added treat was the nice date that Alex took me on that weekend. Perry has done remarkably well with potty training (poo poo still doesn't come as easy, but I hear that gets better with time). I feel like we started at the perfect time and went by the best method (
Pottywise)....the jars full of candy and basket of new "reward" toys haven't hurt either, but ultimately we made it through with a lot of prayer and dependence on the Lord. We started about 2 weeks ago, our lives are now starting to get back to normal, except our oldest baby is wearing BIG BOY UNDERWEAR (or as Perry calls it "my wear").
Day 1 sitting on his towel eating an "M treat" (an M&M)
checking out his big boy pants
I couldn't resist!
Showing off his presents from Mae Mae and Cheetah/Papou. They were so thoughtful to buy him some special undies that he will LOVE!
Good job Perry! You are such a big boy!!!