Monday, September 10, 2012

11 months

Baby Mills,
You continue to be such a fun and happy baby! I really appreciate how easy going you are. You're starting to demand more attention around the house now that you are getting into everything. Your favorite thing to do now a days is open cabinets or boxes and pull everything out. You like to play with anything that makes a lot of noise (slamming cabinet doors, knocking the empty popcorn can around). You're also pulling up on everything. It's taken you a while to get the strength and confidence to do this, but now your curiosity and skills are in full force. Just today, you pulled yourself up on the floor lamp and both you and the lamp went tumbling down. There have been more boo boo's lately too :-( You aren't cruising around yet, but you're getting close. You have become a little dancing machine! When you hear music or singing of any kind, you start bouncing on your bottom. This past month, you've wanted to be in my arms more than usual. Even if I'm on the floor playing with you, you will come climb on top of me until you're nestled in my arms. You're definitely teething. I can see another tooth about to break through. This is so new and crazy to me because Perry didn't cut his first tooth until 13 months. Your newest trick is to wave! You say "dada", "baba" and "nana" most often and occasionally "mama". You're still nursing 4 times/day and eating 3 meals. You take 2 naps/day. Your joyful spirit is contagious. It's kind of sad to see you growing up so quickly, but I'm excited to watch the special boy you will grow up to be. We love you soooo much!

Gone Fishin'

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