You're such a happy, fun little boy. I just can't get enough of you! There are so many special and funny things going on. Here are just a few:
One BIG're starting to walk!! It's not your primary mode of transportation yet, but I know it won't be long before it is. In a matter of several days, you've gone from walking just 5 steps at a time to down the sidewalk (just today)! You're very excited about this new accomplishment...and so are we! It's beyond adorable to see you working so hard at your every step. Before long, you'll be doing it without any thought!
(side note: Suzanne walked at 12 months; Alex at 18 months; Perry at 15 1/2 months; Mills at 16 months)
You're cutting two molars on top....ouch! There have been several incidents of you digging in your diaper when it was dirty. Need I say more? Now, we usually make you sleep in one piece outfits/pajama's. When you're wearing separates, we layer you with a onsie that snaps at the bottom. If given the chance, you still like to undress yourself when in the crib. The other day (when I was lazy and kept you in separates) I found you with your shirt on backwards! That means you got both sleeves off, turned it around, and put it back on by yourself! I was just relieved there wasn't a dirty diaper involved.You like playing "crawling chase" with Perry and you really LOVE playing "make a mess of everything everywhere". You love being outside--walking behind push toys, playing with balls, and going down the slide--and you've finally decided that the bounce house is fun. You still enjoy reading books. You also like stacking blocks (and knocking them down). You're now wanting to feed yourself with utensils. You still need a lot of help with that though. You're a good eater--most recent favorite food is steamed broccoli. We're going to a dermatologist in a couple weeks since your skin is still giving us trouble. Hoping she'll have a better idea of how to help your eczema.
cool dude
This one is for me...I love chubby baby legs and know they won't always be this way. Sigh.
I was writing a check today and as I wrote the date, 2/7/13, I immediately thought, "2013...Mills will be 2 years old in 2013". I looked up and saw you sitting in your highchair right next to me and almost started boo-hooing. Mills, you're growing up too quickly. I love you so much!
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