After about a year and a half of repetitive tonsil infections that were getting more and more frequent (like every 3 weeks), we decided it would be best to have Perry's tonsils removed. Even though adenoids have never been a problem, Dr. Beal recommended removing them at the same time. The surgery was on July 9th at an outpatient center. I'm so glad I didn't know how hard the whole thing was going to be because I likely wouldn't have gone through with it. Perry was perfectly happy and content that morning, but when he came out of surgery, he was UPSET...and the next 7 days were no better. He was clearly in a lot of pain (only able to take tylenol and motrin for pain relief) and night time was by far the worst. He would wake up screaming and we were seriously unable to calm him down or get him to take his medicine. It was terrible. We are now 2 months post surgery, have all recovered physically and emotionally, and are thrilled that he hasn't been sick since surgery (except getting Hand/Foot/Mouth disease from Mills). I guess it was worth it!
Before surgery
A special get-well present from Mommy and Daddy
Sweet picture from Aubrey. He got several other special gifts from friends and family.
Eating some of Mae Mae's custard. He lived off of ice cream, popsicles and custard for the week.
I'll always remember how hard those days were on us, but on the flip side, I'll also remember all the encouraging support and prayers from others.
Way to go!!! So glad you are through the worst. I am sorry Perry had such a hard time.