Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Other Summer Happenings

My summer was pretty much marked by studying for my PA recertification exam. I originally thought I would take it at the end of July, but Perry's surgery threw that option out of the window. I then scheduled to take it in late August, a few weeks after my Baton Rouge trip. Long story short--I showed up in Tyler, TX on my exam day, but I couldn't take it because my driver's license was expired, and it was one of the required forms of identification. Big bummer! So, I scheduled it again for mid-September, after my Colorado Springs and Hot Springs trips. It wasn't easy stopping and starting the study process so many times, but it finally paid off when I learned that I passed! I'm so happy to not have the pressure of studying all the time now!
Now, more about Colorado Springs/Hot Springs:
My mom, Perry, Mills and I went to Colorado to visit Helen and Jeremy and to attend Helen's baby shower. The boys were both sick (Mills recovering from Hand/Foot/Mouth and Perry coming down with it) so it wasn't the easiest of trips, but everyone was so helpful with the kids. The shower was really sweet and Helen got lots of great things for baby girl. I don't have any shower pictures yet. 
 Mills with our excellent hostess, Helen
 Looking at the pretty mountains! Such a nice view to have in your back yard.
Sweet little Millsie boy loving the Colorado outdoors
On our last day there, we went to the zoo. I was glad we had the chance to go again this year. Perry's favorite thing was riding the horse; and Mills' favorite was seeing the ducks. Maybe they'll appreciate the more unique animals when they are older!
 Perry was excited to feed the giraffes
 Mills needed a little convincing to participate
 Another one of Perry's favorite things--the choo choo
 Trying to feed the birds. They weren't as cooperative as last year.
 Horse back riding
On to Hot Springs:
We went up to the Mills' Hills House for Labor Day weekend. Some of our favorite people, Anna, Travis, Josiah and Samuel Smith, joined us. It was a very laid back weekend, but perfect chance to spend time with one another. When our pool time got rained out, Anna and I took the big boys to the fire station. We all got a pretty special tour that included riding in the fire truck, turning on the lights and sirens, and spraying the hose.
 Perry dressed as a fireman

 Perry pulling the loud siren
 turning on another siren (or maybe it was the lights--can't remember)
trying out the big hose; they were a good team!

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