Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Mills' End of Year Program

Mills' class had the sweetest Nursery Rhyme program to end their year as "Young 3's". Mills had 2 special parts. I didn't even get a picture of his solo performance as "Jack in the Box" because I was video taping it. Trust me, it was adorable! His other part was being a mouse in Hickory Dickory Dock.
 Owl Pal Class
 "out came the sun"
 "hickory dickory dock, the mouse ran up the clock"
 "the clock struck one, the mouse ran down"

 my sweet teapot

We've seen Mills grow and blossom so much in his first year at school. He learned how to be a godly friend and student while also learning colors, shapes, numbers, days of the week, and lots and lots of sweet songs and prayers. I'm sure he learned more than the things I listed, but I can't keep track of it all! We are so thankful for our tender-hearted little boy. Watch out K-3, here he comes!

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