I've been feeling very nostalgic lately. This past year has flown by and I just can't believe my tiny newborn baby is now one year old. As I've said in every "James update", he is the most enjoyable and precious little blessing. I've cherished every day with him and although I'm sad to see the time passing, I'm excited about what's to come. James has mastered crawling and his preferred mode is the the one-knee-crawl. As of the past week, he's pulling up on his knees...those little legs just aren't ready for any action yet. He loves to roll balls and toys around and play with anything his big brothers have. He still likes to play peek-a-boo and has recently learned to hold his hands up high when we ask, "How big is James?" He is really obsessed with dogs...Stitches Broyles is his favorite. James is definitely teething, but still no teeth! Perry didn't get his first tooth until 13 months so this is not unusual to me. James loves to eat and will start smacking his mouth when he sees food or anticipates nursing. Speaking of nursing, this is weird and funny...James loves to mess with my teeth while nursing. I hate it, but he insists on doing it, and often gets his way. I swear he's going to be a dentist when he grows up. He is babbling a lot and will say "dada" and "mama", but I don't think it's intentional yet. He does say "uh oh" appropriately. James loves music, especially live music, so he has a really good time at church! If you look over at us while singing at church, you'll see James' legs kicking and his body bouncing. James Oliver, you light up our lives and we love you so much!
At 13 months, James weighs 20 lbs 1oz and is 29 1/2 inches long.
sweet brothers
silly brothers
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