Thursday, February 9, 2012
4 Months
Mills is 4 months old now! We went to the doctor for a check up a couple weeks ago and he weighed 14 pounds, and was 24 3/4 in long. I love that Mills is sleeping well. He goes to bed at 7, I feed him between 10-10:30 and then he sleeps until 7:15ish (or whatever time I wake him). He doesn't always sleep well between 7 and 10, but I can deal with that. He takes 4 naps/day, with the last one being a short cat nap. His new thing/problem is rolling over in his crib. He can't roll back to his tummy, so one of us has to go flip him. Some nights he doesn't do it at all, other nights he'll do it a couple times. Thankfully, it's a quick fix. This is when I'm glad that our bedrooms are so close. I would hate to have to walk across the house or up some stairs in the middle of the night.
He is also scooting everywhere in his crib. I will often find him facing the opposite direction than how I put him down.
Mills has definitely discovered his hands. He likes to clasp them together or stare at them. He is grabbing for objects in front of him and holding onto toys (like Sophie the giraffe).
Mostly, he just likes to chew and suck on his fingers. He does this ALL the time! While he's nursing, he likes to hold my hand/fingers with his free hand. Another new thing regarding nursing is him being more social while he eats. He'll pull off to coo and smile at me and if anyone is around, he'll stop and turn to see what's going on. I'm having to explain to Perry the importance of using a soft voice and playing quietly. For me, the sweetest moments with Mills are after he nurses and is just laying on the boppy pillow talking to me. He melts my heart! I pulled out the jumperoo this month and Mills has enjoyed sitting in it, however, I think big brother Perry has had the most fun playing with it. We have also been going on lots of walks in our new stroller. Both of the boys enjoy this time.
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