Thursday, February 23, 2012

Mardi Gras

We went to the Highland Parade this past weekend. It was my first time to attend this parade and it was Alex and Perry's first time to attend any kind of Mardi Gras parade. We met up with some friends and watched the parade roll by. Perry was mesmerized by all the people and activity going on. He especially liked the marching bands (no surprise). He didn't care about catching beads (he wouldn't even wear any), but he liked to watch the floats go by. The sun was brutal, as you will be able to tell from the pictures. It was a lovely day though, and such a fun Sunday afternoon activity. Mills stayed back with Mae Mae. He will hopefully join us next year.
Captain Shreve friends--doesn't that officer look like Officer Rogers (wasn't that his name?) I think it was random!

1 comment:

  1. wow those are big floats! I didn't know the highland parade was such a big deal.
