Sunday, September 30, 2012


We have had some beautiful weather recently and have enjoyed opening up the back doors and playing outside.
The Browns came over for breakfast one Saturday. Perry and Aubrey had a fun time playing while the adults ate and chatted.

Where did Perry and Aubrey go? 
One of Perry's favorite things to do is water "paint" on the fence.

 Eating a morning snack outside
I couldn't forget about this little cutie....he's been having fun too!

Friday, September 21, 2012

Go Tigers

Perry has really enjoyed having an LSU jersey to wear this season. He calls it his "Go Tigers shirt" and he always gives the standard cheerleading arm cheer to go along with it. It's really cute! Hilton and Clyde showed up for our playdate today with their Baylor jerseys on, so Perry wanted to change into his jersey too. It made for a cute photo opp
Hilton, Perry, Clyde
Had to share this cute one of Perry giving Hilton a hug
Side note: There were 7 kids here today and only 1 was a girl. This has become the norm for us. I'm glad Perry is already betrothed to Mary Stewart because it seems the pickins' are slim here in Shreveport.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Alex's 10 year reunion weekend

We went to Denton this past weekend for Alex's 10 year reunion. He decided he wanted to attend the football game (and not the Saturday night party), so we left town in time to make it there for the game. The kids stayed with Cheetah and Papou while we headed to the game. We were both expecting to find a group of people from his class sitting together like we did at my reunion. Well, he scanned the stands several times and confirmed that there was NOBODY there! We were so surprised. We sat down for about 10 minutes to laugh at ourselves for driving so far for nothing and then decided to leave the game and go have some wine and cheese at little local place. Our night turned out to be very fun, just not what we had envisioned.
We still had Saturday morning to look forward to. Perry and Mills' cousin, Bree, was having her 3rd birthday party. On Saturday, we woke up and were just about all ready to go when we got a call that the party was canceled. Poor Bree had been in the hospital all night with an asthma exasperation and wasn't going to be going home that day :-( We were mostly concerned about Bree, but couldn't help but think what a bust the weekend was so far! Cheetah and Papou ended up taking Perry and the other cousins to Bree's house to see the decorations, eat a cupcake, and deliver presents. 
                      Perry with cousin Miles and uncle Adam                       Prince Perry
Since we hadn't had anything go as planned, Alex decided to give the Saturday night reception a shot. He contacted the organizer and she said it would be fine for us to show up. This time we were not disappointed. There was a great turn out and Alex was able to see and visit with so many old friends. I'm so glad we went.
Besides staying with Cheetah and Papou, other highlights from the weekend were playing with the next-door kittens, hanging out with Annie and Nate and having lunch with Paw. 

Nate, Mills and Annie

Monday, September 10, 2012


Perry first day of Mother's Day Out 2012. He is going to First Presbyterian Day School again this year on Tuesday/Thursdays. He has 2 excellent teachers and a classroom of ALL boys! No tears or fears from this big boy.

11 months

Baby Mills,
You continue to be such a fun and happy baby! I really appreciate how easy going you are. You're starting to demand more attention around the house now that you are getting into everything. Your favorite thing to do now a days is open cabinets or boxes and pull everything out. You like to play with anything that makes a lot of noise (slamming cabinet doors, knocking the empty popcorn can around). You're also pulling up on everything. It's taken you a while to get the strength and confidence to do this, but now your curiosity and skills are in full force. Just today, you pulled yourself up on the floor lamp and both you and the lamp went tumbling down. There have been more boo boo's lately too :-( You aren't cruising around yet, but you're getting close. You have become a little dancing machine! When you hear music or singing of any kind, you start bouncing on your bottom. This past month, you've wanted to be in my arms more than usual. Even if I'm on the floor playing with you, you will come climb on top of me until you're nestled in my arms. You're definitely teething. I can see another tooth about to break through. This is so new and crazy to me because Perry didn't cut his first tooth until 13 months. Your newest trick is to wave! You say "dada", "baba" and "nana" most often and occasionally "mama". You're still nursing 4 times/day and eating 3 meals. You take 2 naps/day. Your joyful spirit is contagious. It's kind of sad to see you growing up so quickly, but I'm excited to watch the special boy you will grow up to be. We love you soooo much!

Gone Fishin'

Monday, September 3, 2012

Introduction to Grass

Ever wonder what it's like to feel grass for the first time???
Mills will tell you, it gets better after a little while...

Random Fun

 Mills having fun in a box
 "Who's that knocking at my door?"
 Backyard water slide

 Does something look wrong with this picture?
 Daddy packing for a trip
 Morning stroll
 Perry helping Mamma learn her alphabet
 Perry drew this picture of Daddy. I thought it was pretty good.
 Hanging out at the coffee shop
Playing in the front yard