Friday, December 31, 2010


 Perry got his first full haircut on December 22nd at Uptown Barber Shop. It was a pleasant experience and I will definitely take Perry to see Mike again. I was so glad to have Helen there to take pictures because I had my hands full with Perry. He did excellent, especially considering we were cutting into nap time. He sat in the chair the entire time and never cried! I, of course, had a little treat with me to keep him distracted. Here are some pictures:
Look at that big boy!
 He loved the chocolate from the chocolate covered pretzel.
 Looking good!
 Almost finished
All done!
Mr. Mike even gave Perry a certificate for successfully completing the requirements for his first haircut. Ha ha!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

14 months

You are now 14 months old! Here are some of the new things you've been doing over the past couple months:
You are consistently signing "more" and "please". You say "more" when see anything that you want, not just food. I love that you are a great sleeper! You sleep 12 or more hours at night and take 2 naps (one is usually 2 hrs, the other is shorter). Our next big sleep change will be when you go to one nap per day. You still have one tooth, but your second is about to break through. You can stand alone and are becoming more and more confident with this each day. You love music and have quite an ear for it. If I start singing a song from one of your toys or books, you will go find that toy/book. You've even starting "singing" along with music and songs. You are eating most anything and drinking cow's milk...not breastfeeding anymore. You love to scribble with pens and throw things for fun. You are pointing a lot. Your new silly game is to bounce on the bed and then roll over to be tickled! You REALLY like all the attention you get at home and we love giving it to you!

Saturday, December 18, 2010

PA Christmas

Last night was one of those nights where I laughed so hard my face was hurting. This happens every time I'm with my PA girls and I simply love it! It's how I made it though PA school without being miserable. These girls are very special to me. We have a lot in common, but we are also all very different, which makes for a very fun and dynamic group. Last night the girls came over for a Christmas gathering/post marathon celebration. I wanted to do something to honor the three who recently completed the St. Jude's Marathon, so we had a marathon-themed dinner. I made The Pioneer Woman's Best Lasagna Ever, which is always a hit. Unfortunately, one of the marathon girls and a couple others couldn't make it. Despite missing a few, we had a fabulous time. It was a perfect night and a great way to celebrate the holidays.

We also had "26.2 calorie salad", "Get your carbs" rolls, and "Finish Line" cupcakes! I forgot to name the appetizer...oh well. 
Me, Lainey, Rachel, Crystal, Jennifer. missing: Nathalie, Rachel, Megan
a.k.a: Suz, Lain, Rah, Stally, J. Lo. missing: Boobie, Ra Ra, Meggie
Eating our cupcakes.
Love you girls!!!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Perry Plays Hide and Seek

Lately things have been disappearing from around the house. If and when they are found, they are in some strange place. I thought I would document just the first 15 minutes from this morning.
Case #1-The Lost Slippers
When I got out of bed this morning I was looking for my slippers. They weren't in the closet, under the bed, or on the floor anywhere. I asked Alex if he knew where the were, he said "They are in my bottom drawer in the bathroom." When I asked him why they were there, he said "I don't know, I thought you put them in there."
Case #2-The Missing Sippy Cup
I gave Perry his cup of milk to drink while I was fixing breakfast and getting a couple things done. Next thing I know, the cup is missing. Perry hadn't left the kitchen, so I knew it was in there somewhere, it just took some searching.
This goes on ALL day with all kinds of things! Do your 1 year olds do this too?

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Christmas in the Sky 2010

Alex and I got all dressed up on Saturday night for Christmas in the Sky. Christmas in the Sky is a fundraising event for the Shreveport Regional Arts Council. We had a lot of fun at the party. There was plenty to look at and bid on, but more important for us were the two floors stocked with food and drink.
Mr. and Mrs. 
 and one with the boy

Friday, December 10, 2010

The "It's Too Hot" Face

Recently, I explained to Perry that when his food is too hot, we have to blow on it to cool it off. When I demonstrated to him how to blow on the spoon, he imitated me by breathing heavily from his nose. Pretty close! Well, that started a new "thing" for Perry. Now when we say "it's hot, Perry" he makes this funny face and breathes loudly out of his nose. It's really quite cute! See for yourself...

Where's Perry?

Does anyone know where Perry is?

Oh, there he is!

This is one of Perry's favorite games! It is the cutest thing to see him "hiding" from us.