Sunday, February 22, 2015


I don't remember most of the cute and funny things the boys say and do, but here are a few things that have happened recently...
about Perry:
a text I sent Alex:

I was driving on the interstate and a car almost hit us. I screamed, "S*@T, car!" Perry immediately got real excited and asked, "Did you just see some bandits, Mom?!?" He is obsessed with bank robbers and bad guys!
Alex and Perry were wrestling and just as Perry was about to jump on Alex he said, "Oh yeah! Your days are over, darlin'!"
Perry was trying to say something but couldn't come up with the words. He stopped talking and said "Come on brain, why won't you work?"

about Mills:
I love how Mills will say, "just one times" or "all the times".
Alex and the boys were playing a "trick" on me and telling me they ate all the food, leaving me no dinner. I was pretending to be fooled and was asking each of them over and over if it was really true. They all stood by their story. Then I started fake boohooing and Mills immediately got super serious and concerned and said, "There's more! There's more food!" Sweet boy can't stand to see someone upset...while Perry loves to make others suffer. Ha!
Mills lifts up his shirt and looks at his belly to determine if he's full/had enough to eat. He'll say "See! My tummy is biiiiiigggg!"

James just makes himself laugh for no reason and at the most random times. It's really quite funny.

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