Sunday, July 18, 2010

Rewind to the 4th

To celebrate the 4th of July, Alex, Perry and I went to Toledo bend to spend the day with some of Alex's family. Alex's uncle, "Gunny", and his wife Kari hosted everyone at their camp. It was so comfortable and had perfect water views, however, the best part of the day was the company. Alex's grandparents and two sets of uncles and aunts, all from south Louisiana, we there to celebrate. We were especially excited for Pop to meet Perry for the first time!
Here we are with Momma T and Pop
We enjoyed sitting out on the porch, listening to music, and visiting while being entertained by uncle Neil as he prepared for his 6 hours of grilling. 
Perry found this cabinet and was determined to climb into it. He worked hard at it for a while and then...
Mission accomplished!

Patriotic family

We had so much fun and loved spending quality time with Alex's family who we don't see often.  Everyone was so gracious to us and extra sweet with Perry. Being with family we love made for a perfect day!
The group minus me. Perry decided to give a cheer!
Donna and Pop joined in, but were a little late :-)


  1. Is this the same sweet family that was so gracious to us in Lafayette!
    I know Perry will cheer when he sees his love in a few weeks!!!

  2. Cute! I love the one of y'all in your patriotic gear.
