Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Perry's 1st tooth

Perry cut his first tooth this month! He was only a few days shy of 13 months when it arrived. I can't tell you how many times someone, over the age of 60, said "They say the longer they take to come in, the healthier they will be." Wives tales are always humorous! I have to say, I really loved having a toothless baby for the first year for various reasons. One thing's for sure...it made nursing less hazardous. We spent several months thinking he was about to cut a tooth because he had all the classic signs--chewing on fingers, drooling, fussy/uncomfortable, change in diapers, etc. We just kept waiting and waiting for it to show up. It wasn't until mid November that I finally felt the tooth and saw it coming. He still has just one tooth, bottom left incisor, but I know the others are on their way.

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