Monday, November 7, 2011

4 weeks

Mills is already 4 weeks old! Where has the time gone? I was looking at him yesterday and just couldn't believe how big he has gotten. I can really tell he is growing. It makes me a little sad because I know time is going to continue to fly by and before I know it I'll have another big boy running around. For now though, I'm just going to enjoy these precious moments with my baby and try to cherish every second...even when I'm exhausted and frustrated.
At 4 weeks old, Mills weighs about 9 1/2 lbs, maybe a little more. He is definitely more alert during his wake time and he loves having us talk to him. I can tell he is trying to talk back and it shouldn't be long before we hear those first coo's. He is also pretty good at tracking objects with his eyes and has great neck control--He can hold his head up quite well for his age. Mills has been a better sleeper than his big brother, but we still don't get consistent good nights. He had several nights last week where he went anywhere from 3 1/2-5 hours between feedings. The past few nights haven't been that good, so I'm hoping he gets backs on track. I'm feeding him about every 3 hours during the day (and usually cluster feed in the evenings). He could go for longer stretches for the first half of the day, but I'm too scared to let him out of fear that he will need to nurse more frequently at night to compensate. So, other than changing diapers, that about covers all of Mills' activity at this point. Oh, I should mention that he enjoys bath time now and it seems to be a very relaxing time for him. He's such an adorable little guy and the 3 of us are so in love.


  1. I know what you mean. They grow SO fast and we just have to enjoy these baby moments.

    We do need to get together. Have you thought about going to Gymboree? We go to the class on Tuesdays at 12:30. I started Henry at 6 weeks and he has done great every week.

  2. well it is VERY appropriate for this boy to be named after his mamas side... he is ALL you (and I see Helen a lot, but that might be you too ;-) )
