Tuesday, March 13, 2012

5 Months

There was NO WAY that I could eliminate any of the above pictures--they were all too adorable in my opinion! I really don't know where the past month has gone. I guess with the boys being sick off and on, all the days just blended together. Mills is 5 months old now and just as cute and sweet as ever! He is starting to giggle a good bit, which is so fun for us to hear. He loves socializing with us and smiles so big when one of us looks at him or talks to him. He is mesmerized by Perry and I really appreciate the entertainment this provides him. Mills is sleeping great at night--from 7ish-730ish with no more crying. I'm still doing a dream feed. We haven't tried any cereal yet, but it's been on my mind...I might get around to it this month...maybe. He can be a little toot with some of his naps. Sometimes he doesn't fall asleep right away and will flip over several times, requiring me to go flip him back; and sometimes he wakes up earlier than he should. It's not a big problem though. I just let him hang out in his crib. He has started to talk and play while he's in his bed. A lot of times I will go in there to get him and he's laying on his back, playing with his feet. He's consistently rolling from tummy to back (mainly while in his crib), but I've actually never seen him do it! I don't give him much tummy time while he's awake because he gets so much of it in his bed. I can tell he's developing the coordination and strength to roll from back to tummy, but he hasn't done it yet. He's starting to show signs of sitting up alone. If I prop him up in a chair, he likes to lean forward in order to sit unassisted. He is grabbing for anything within reach, but his favorite thing to do is to touch our faces with his slobbery hands. I just can't get enough of my Millsie boy, slobber and all!

Sitting like a big boy!

1 comment:

  1. ALL of these pictures are so so precious! The way he is scrunching his nose and smiling in some of those is so very sweet :)
