Tuesday, June 12, 2012

8 Months

At 8 months you are just as sweet as ever! The only times you get fussy are when you're tired or eager to eat. I say "eager to eat" and not "hungry" on purpose because these days you want to eat when we eat, regardless of how your tummy might feel. You're very good at grabbing objects and transferring them from hand to hand. I've let you try to eat cheerios, but since you haven't mastered the pincer grasp, it's a little difficult for you. You're nursing 4-5 times/day and eating 3 meals. I'm making almost all of your baby food so far. I tried giving you store bought peas, but you wanted nothing to do with it! I can appreciate that you have "good taste." You're still sleeping great at night and you usually take 3 naps per day. The 3rd nap is just a cat nap to get you to bedtime. I love going to get you after you wake up because you are so happy to see me walk in. If you're on your stomach, you start kicking your legs like a little frog swimming in the water and you pant until I grab you, at which point you usually squeal or giggle. You make me feel like the luckiest, most-loved mama in the world. However, you don't only have eyes for me...you always love to see Daddy and enjoy getting attention from Big Brother Perry. You are very aware of your surroundings and if we are somewhere unfamiliar or with "strangers", you get very serious and intense. I can just see your little mind working and processing. It doesn't take much for you to warm up and you usually give out smiles pretty easily (big difference from how Perry was). Some of your favorite things to do are read books (especially touch and feel books), go on walks, chew on toys, sing songs, cuddle and get kisses.
Milestones that you mastered during your 7th month are:
sitting up
rocking on all fours and scooting around  in your crib
babbling: ma ma, ba ba, and ga
I'm pretty sure you are teething too, but there are no teeth in sight yet.

                                               First time taking a big boy bath! You loved it!

It's kind of hard to see in these pictures, but you have what we call "happy hair". It stands straight up all the time!

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