Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Something new

Children amaze me. They are constantly learning and trying new things. Perry was sitting next to me the other night and when I let go of him he was able to stay upright long enough for someone to grab the camera and take a few shots. I had no idea he could sit up alone, I figured that wouldn't happen for another month or so. I tried it again the next day and he was able to do it, so I know it wasn't just a fluke. Don't let those rolls fool you, this little boy is pure muscle!

He still needs a little practice though.


  1. What a big boy! Great to see your blog Suzanne! It is so cute. I like that you have a SIL to do your hair...that's always a good thing.

    Do you take Perry to Gymboree? We loved those classes!

  2. :o) What a cutie-pie! I love that you got a shot of him tilting! I got one of Knox when he was that age and it still cracks me up. :o)

  3. Such a big boy!!!! We need a playdate soon please! Do you have big plans this weekend?

  4. I love that age! I wasn't up at 4:55- I think my computer must have the wrong time. I was up at 5:55 though!
