Tuesday, July 17, 2012

A New Decade

Well, it's official. I'm 30. I haven't had to say the word out loud yet, so it hasn't really hit me. My birthday was a lot of fun and the celebration actually lasted a couple days. I was very touched by all the wishes I received and appreciate those loved ones who made my birthday extra special.
Alex made me a special surprise breakfast. It was quite a showcase...more details below! He also took me on a fabulous lunch date. I choose to go to Fairfield Grocery. My food was delicious and I apparently ate a good bit because I wasn't even hungry for dinner that night. We rescheduled dinner. Mom still brought me my wonderful gifts on my birthday. Dad and Sheila came by to bring me a birthday gift too. The next day Beth surprised me by dropping in with some special birthday goodies. We went to Superior Grill for dinner that night with mom and the staff sang "Happy Birthday" to me. Perry thought that part was pretty cool. My big present is going to be a new couch and rug for our family room, but I'm still working on getting that done. I'm super excited though!
Now, onto my breakfast.....this is what I woke up to...
 Cheese dream (if you don't know what that is, you're missing out!) with a heart cut out, a heart-shaped hard-boiled egg, blueberries, coffee AND a rose napkin. 
When I decided to eat some of the egg, I began cutting it and saw that the inside looked green. I was immediately grossed out thinking it was mold or something else gross, but quickly noticed that the green was a PIECE OF PAPER WITH A BIRTHDAY MESSAGE on it! OMG! I about died. I'm convinced my husband is the most quirky (but cool) guy ever.

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