Sunday, December 4, 2011

5-8 weeks

 8 weeks and Adorable!
 strong boy
7 weeks
6 weeks
You have continued to be such a joy! I love that you are becoming more awake and alert. It has allowed us to see a little more of your personality. I can tell you are going to be more smiley and warm to strangers than your brother was. We love your sweet smiles--you really make our hearts melt. Your first smiles were at 5 weeks and they have gotten more and more frequent since then. You are really strong and can hold your head up so well. I hardly have to support it anymore. You can also roll from your tummy to back! I've been shocked to find you flipped over in your bed already. You have started grabbing and holding onto things, most often it's my hair. You went on your first out-of-town trip this month--to Denton for Thanksgiving. You didn't sleep very well while we were there, but since we've gotten home, you've been sleeping like a champ at night and I love it! Other than making lots of messes when you poop, we LOVE everything about you!
We are going to the doctor soon and I'm looking forward to finding out how big you are.

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